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fighting, mounting, and urinating oh my!


hi, we have just moved to a new home with our two 7+ year old cats.  The cats have always been well behaved and friendly with each other.  Since the move we have noticed many behavior changes, yet they seem to have adjusted and like the new place.  We have found many urine spots on the carpet, but only around the edge of one room.  Also the male cat (neutered) has begun mounting the female cat.  She is NOT happy about this.  They have been fighting much more than ever before and their playing has become aggressive with a mean purpose (in the past is appeared to be for fun).  Both cats are becoming injured and have cuts and scratches.  Do you have any suggestions to help alleviate the tension and stop the urinating?  We have been working to stop the urinating and remove the smell. The urinating may be under control, we have not found any new spots in the last few days, but we are not sure it is totally fixed yet.

Hi Kathryn,

I would say your cats are majorly stressed out by your move. Get a product called Feliway. Get the whole house diffuser. This acts to calm the cats down and will help with inappropriate urinating. Use this stuff. It will help. And time and a routine will also work wonders. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen