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Adult Cat


My four-year-old female cat will no longer use the litter box to poop. She has a corner in my house where she now likes to go. I have tried putting food there, putting a litter box, and cleaning it a numerous amount of times with nature miracle. What should I do?

Hi Sue,

Usually there is an underlying medical reason for a cat to stop using the litter box. It can run the gamut from constipation and your cat associating the pain of a bowel movement to the litter box to her having arthritis and having a hard time getting in the box. I would take a close look at the box mechanics also. Change the box, change the litter. Here's a link for a great product.

I would get her to your vet and have her checked out. See if there is something wrong with her. I think your vet will find the reason she is doing that. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen