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introducing a puppy to an old cat


I am really worried because I brought a puppy to my house and my cat is not warming up to it. She hisses and has tried to bite it on several occasions and we've been keeping the dog on a separate room. What can I do to make this process easier? Will they ever adapt to each other? She doesn't have nails, but bites! Can she harm the puppy?


Both cats and dogs have very tough skin, so your cat should not really hurt the puppy.  Without front claws, many cats do turn into biters, but she probably is not biting the puppy hard enough to cause any damage.  The only way they will learn to get along is if they are no longer separated.  The cat is reacting normally to the puppy.  The cat will want to exercise her dominance as the established pet in the house.  The puppy will have to learn to respect the cat.  At this point they will establish whatever relationship they will, and there is no guarantee they will get along very well.  You will just have to see where things stand a few weeks into the relationship. The thing that may be going for you is that adult animals are usually more tolerant of the young than they would be of another adult.

One thing to try is, whenever you pay nay attention to the puppy, make sure you give your established cat additional treats and attention.

You will probably have to feed them separately as the puppy will help itself to the cat's food and vice wersa,  Also, many dogs look at cat poop as candy, so you will want to have the litter pan somewhere the puppy cannot get to.  It can get so bad that the dog will start to bother the cat when it is pooping and the cat will find other places to poop.

Good luck and best regards... NOrm.