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5 mth old siamese behavior


first male kitten ever. being nuetered 10/29. lately he smells like poop all the time, face and butt. his box is in cellar next to our 17 yr. old siamese. could he be eating her poop?his own?no other behavior probs. pure bred blue point apple head, older cat is apple head seal point. both had recent physicals, very healthy and playful, nml appetite and seemingly nml amt of poops in both boxes.

Hi Lynda,

It would be highly unlikely that he is eating any cat feces. Cats usually don't do this. But what is more likely the case is that he has a bacterial infection and this is causing the problem. You need to get him to the vet to be checked out. It could be in his mouth; by his anus; or by his urethra. The vet will be able to find what the problem is.  Let me know what he says. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen