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food craving


My 13yr old healthy cat "Ginger" has an unusual craving..she loves butter! I have been giving her about 1 tsp. daily for about 4 years.  She is a very (tiny 4.5 lbs) long hair. The butter seems to promote a bowel movement, but I worry that it may not be good for her. I worry about "fatty liver" or any other harm it may cause, but she loves butter so much I hate to deprive her.  Is it o.k. to continue giving her butter. Thank you!

Hi Avia,

In general, butter is no harm to cats.  In fact, the fatty acids in butter might even help to promote healthy skin and a shiny coat.  Cats don't have negative health effects from cholesterol the same way as humans do, and they don't metabolize fat the way we do, either.  Most of the fat they don't need passes out in the feces.  It's actually excess carbohydrates that causes them most of their weight gain, and a sudden loss of stored body fat that results in fatty liver disease, rather than the consumption of dietary fat.

The one thing that you'll want to watch out for is digestive upset.  Cats tend to be lactose intolerant, and consuming too much dairy can give them gas and diarrhea.  If you notice any loose stools, the butter could be the cause, and you should see is she improves without it.

Best wishes!
