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Cat missing for 3 days


QUESTION: Hello Norman,

I'm Avital, I live in Israel and I have a lovely cat whose name is Frencesca. I just moved to a new home, about 14 miles from the old one. She was a street cat, but I gave her food and she often came inside my house and actually sleep with me. She knew the neighborhood well but she felt safe with me and actually she was acting very warm and friendly with me. She reacted to my calls and whistles.
I moved and I wanted her with me (this time inside the house, completely) and when I tried to get her in the car, I took a cat cage and somehow managed t get her in, she didn't like it at all, obviously and she was very scared So scared that after 3 minutes of driving she somehow flew out of the cage!!! she broke something in it and got out. She was calm for the rest of the drive, until I got home, she was hiding under the seat next to me.
When I got home I made a stupid mistake and just let her out, she was very scared, and I knew that she won't get inside the cage again or on my hands. So I opened the door and after a minute or two she just got out and walked very fast away from me to another house. I searched for her and after an hour or so I heard her when I called out her name, she was hiding in a  neighbor's house. I tried to get her (I was very close to her) but she ran from :(
I didn't find her, printed some ads with her picture and someone called and she she's in her garden (it was one house away from the house I saw her in), I went there, my brother actually caught her, held her (he said she came to him willingly, hat she was glad) and when she saw that I was coming she wanted to get away (she clearly scared of me because of the trauma I cased her- the cage and drive). Anyway, I went away so he could take her home and a few seconds from my house she few out of his hands and that was yesterday, I didn't see her since, It's been 3 days now. I'm very worried for her. She's used to food every day, it's quite cold outside, I'm searching for her every single day, 2 streets near us, I put more posters and gave them to many neighbors and no luck so far.
Tell me, do you think she tried to get back home, even though it's quite far?
What shall I do?

Please help. I love her so much.


ANSWER: Avital,

As you have found, cats are very territorial, and, besides the trauma of the automobile trip, she has no longer in her home territory.  My guess, is that if you do not find her, she may have gone back to your previous house.  Also, cats are very good at hiding in plain sight, so she may be around your new home buy hiding.

I would check with your former neighbors.  

I do not know if your have "live" traps in Israel (check with your local animal shelter), but you may be able to lure her into a live trap with her favorite foods. once you or someone else has spotted her.

Please let me know what happens.

Concerned regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Norm,

Thank you very much for your reply!
On Thursday this week, the cat returned! After two weeks!! She started mewing in the middle of the night (and she doesn't even know this house!) and we took her. She's quite injured (looks like a bite) on her thigh, it's looks a week old, maybe more....quite deep, you can actually see her muscle. But we talked to a vet on the phone, described the injury, and she said that we need to keep her inside the house for the weekend and take her for examination on Sunday. She also said to give her some pill (don't remember the name of the pill but we had it). Her behavior was strange, she meowed constantly and loudly, she defecated (?) on the bed (she's NEVER done that, but I'm guessing she was in a lot of stress).
Right now she's relaxed, sleeps a lot, looks happy, eats well and is getting a lot of love from us :-)
Thank you very much, your letter gave me hope!

Hello from Frencessca!


I am so glad Frencessca has returned!!!!!!!!!!  Cats are really good at healing.  I expect that as she gets her routine back to normal, her bathroom habits will also get back to normal.  After the trauma she has been through, it is no wonder she has a bit of disorientation.

Relieved regards... Norm.