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My Cats Have Started Fighting


Hi, I have two male (un-neutered) cats, one aged 2 years and the other two months younger. I have had both since each was about 8 weeks old, and they have lived in harmony. Both cats spend a good deal of their time outdoors, but go their own separate ways.

Recently, in the house, the younger cat has been attacking the elder cat for no apparent reason; the elder cat is usually stretched out, relaxing.

I am wondering if this is a male domination thing, and, if so, whether getting the cats neutered would help.

Thank you

Hi Andrew!
YES, take them to be neutered as soon as you can. They have reached the age that their hormones are raging and since you have two males, the younger cat is trying to display dominance.  You need to do it before they start spraying to mark their territory, because the smell is horrible!  Not every "attack" is at it seems, though.  Most cats will play very rough at times, and it may sound like they're killing each other!  But If I were you, I'd them neutered soon before the real problems start!

God Bless,