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cat has developed a strange twitch



My cat is 14 years old and very active and in great health.  Over the past couple of days, though, she has developed a strange twitch whenever we scratch her lower back, towards her tail (her favorite place to be scratched).  We think the exact spot is where her back meets the top of her back right leg.  When we scratch there, her head turns off to the right and she involuntarily licks her right upper lip.  She is acting otherwise normal and not sick in any way.  Do you have any idea what could be causing this? Thanks.

Hi Cara,

This sounds something like when you scratch a dog and he thumps his leg. She may be reacting now to the scratching because of a change in her sensitivity to the scratching. If you feel it may be a sign of something else, take her to your vet for a complete checkup. If she seems fine I wouldn't worry to much about it. If she develops any other changes then get her checked out. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen