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cat mating my female kitty


hello there, my female tabby cat just went into heat.... and i also have a male Siamese cross neither have been fixed.... They have begun mating and she kind of makes hissing noises in the middle of it. But after they separate she lays down and rolls around and kind of drags her rear along the ground is this normal?  


Yes the behaviors you describe are absolutely normal as part of the breeding activity.  In addition, the male may be huffing and puffing a bit.  Sometimes, when the female emits that low pitched growl (kind of makes hissing noises), she attacks the male. Often both spend some time cleaning their private parts, afterwards.

We usually let them breed for 3 days and start counting gestation beginning the first day AFTER the first witnessed breeding.  Normal gestation is anywhere from 63 to 67 days, with 65 days being the average.  

Best regards... Norm.