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changin a cats owner


hi. my piano teacher has developed allergies to her 3 year old cat and needs to find a new home for him. it's ok with my parents and we have gladly agreed to take the cat for her.i absolutely LOVE cats so I'm really excited, i know that the cat will get all the love and attention he needs here. I just wanted to know if there is anything i can do to make the transition to a new house and a new owner as easy and stress free as possible.
thanks a lot!


Changing homes can be very traumatic for any cat.  To ease the cat into the new house, try to take as many supplies with you from the old house as you can.

Exercise posts, litter pans and litter, bedding, toys, food, etc.

This will help quite a bit.

Try starting out the kitty in one room so that it will not get "lost" in the new house, although this is usually not a problem for a young adult cat.

Are there any established pets?  If so, please let me know and I will give you a protocol for introducing the new kitty to a household with established pets.

If possible, continue to see the same vet.  If that is not possible, try to get the vet records transferred to the vet you are going to use.  Especially pay close attention to vaccination records or any other medical problems the cat may have or may be having.  Your Piano teacher and you may want to go have a word with the current vet about the change in ownership.

I think that covers most things.

Finally, if you have never owned a cat before, you may want to read up on them in your local library.

Best regards... Norm.