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Vomiting and loosing weight


Is there anything I can do for a 15 year old cat to make it more comfortable.  She has been seen by the vet (several months ago) and we were told that she was on her "last legs". Since then she has had several recoveries from the vomiting and weight loss she was having but now it seems that she has gotten worse.  We don't want to prolong her suffering, just make her comfortable.

Hi Michael,

I'm sorry for what is happening. There are a few things you can do. One thing you can feed her is baby food. Get her any brand of stage one food. Chicken and turkey is good. You can try her on something called kitty glop. I'll give you the recipe at the end. It's great for building up a cat's strength.

Set her up a bed with a heating pad set on low. She probably would love the extra heat.

There is one other thing I would do. I would take her to another vet for a second opinion. You didn't say what she has but 15 is young for a cat to be on her "last legs".
When it is time you will know and do what is right. I know it is a hard thing to do. I hope this will help you and your little friend. Good Luck.

Ciao, Karen

1 8 oz. can whole evaporated milk
2 tbsp. plain yogurt
2 tbsp. mayonnaise
1 tbs. Karo Syrup (light)
1 pkg. Knox gelatin
1 egg yolk
1 cup Pedialyte (unflavored)
1 jar stage one baby meat baby food

Mix milk, yogurt,egg yolk, mayonnaise and karo syrup together well. Bring 1 cup pedialyte to boil and mix in Knox gelatin. Set aside to cool a bit.
Add gelatin and pedialyte mixture to milk and egg mixture and beat well.
Pour into bowl or ice tray, cover with saran wrap, and set in refrigerator. KG will last for two weeks covered in refrigerator or over a month frozen.
You can freeze the ice cube tray.Always warm KG to room temperature (milk form) before feeding.

You can add baby rice cereal also if you want to thicken the mixture a bit.

Feed your cat a couple of tablespoons of this about 4x times a day if she will eat that much. It works great.