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Where to sleep?


I am not sure where to let me cat sleep?  I am afraid to close my bedroom door because I don't want him to get trapped in and not get to his litter box.  Also, I don't want to leave him in other parts of the house by himself.  Last night was our first night with the new kitten.  He is almost 3 months old.  He slept with me in the bed but a few times, he started wanting to play.  It was hard to get to sleep with him in the bed because he wanted to play.  Where is the best place for him to sleep?


As your kitten gets older and begins to settle down, he will be content to sleep with you and not want to play so much.  If he needs to use the litter box, he will quietly find it.  By 3 months of age, most kittens are able to navigate their ways through the house to any and all the bedrooms <ggg> and wherever their litter pan is kept.

To answer your question, the kitten can be allowed to sleep anywhere as long as there is access to the litter box and a water dish.  However, once the kitten has slept with you and likes it, he might decide to sit outside your door and meow or scratch at the door until you let him in.  And, then again, maybe not!

Best regards... Norm.