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outside cats


Are there any statistics on the number of cats that get hit by cars at night vs. the daytime?
Our outside/inside cat is recovering from vehicular trauma and I'm trying to convince my wife that during the day outside will be O.K.  What do you think?


It does not matter whether the cat is out during daytime or nighttime.  Automobiles are one of the biggest hazards for the outdoors cat.  Cats' eyesight during nighttime is just as good as during daytime.  The truth is that there are people out there who will go out of their ways to try to kill any small animal with their vehicles, be it cat, dog, squirrel, rabbit or whatever.

Other hazards outdoors cats face are larger predators and people!  

The only statistics I know of is that the average outdoors cat lives 3-5 years, whereas the average indoors cat lives 12-15 years.

Best regards... Norm.