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My kitten keeps biting


I recently adopted a kitten who is now approx. 12 weeks old.  I have tried using a water pistol, shaking a can of pennies and simply telling him no and stop, but he continues to bite my hands, feet and face continuously.  I know some of that is normal kitten behavior but he seems to do it excessively and does not react to anything I do to get him to stop.  He also jumps on the table and the the water pistol and can full of pennies do not seem to phase him. This had been going on for 3 weeks now.  I would think at this point he should understand that when he bites or jumps on the table and I squirt him and tell him no that he should at least catch on that he should not be doing it.  Is there anything else I can do to stop this behavior?  

Hi Jan,

You can try hitting him on his head (but don't use too much force). Kittens bite as a form of play. To stop that behaviour, you can hit its head followed by a stern 'No'. This sort of negative reinforcement should be done immediately after an undesirable action has been taken by the kitten.
