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unbehaved cats


Hello I have 4 cats. Two of them are sisters and if rescued all of them. The two sisters ive had since they were kittens but im having a problem with them urinating on couches and our beds. They use the litter box but they urinate on other things to. They are not spayed is that the reason or could it be something else? I just need help i cant deal with this problem anylonger and i dont want to get rid of them. I care for them dearly but if they dont stop i will have to let them go. please help

Hi April,

Yes, if they are not fixed this could be the main reason for them marking their territory. You also need to make sure their litters boxes are clean.
I would get them spayed. This should take care of this problem. Also make sure you clean the area where they have been spraying with an enzymatic cleaner. Sometimes just washing with soap won't remove the urine odor. You can't smell it but your cats can. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen