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This is not a joke question...I know that dogs do, but do cats expell gas, or fart? I had a Calico for 16 years and in all that time never once smelled or heard her do that. She was only 6 pounds, could it be because she was so small that it couldn't be noticed or do cats just not do that like dogs? Just curious. Also, I loved her dearly and noticed that Calicos are one of your favorites and you mentioned they were "good hunters with attitude." She was strictly indoors, so didn't hunt but I'd like to know what kind of attitude you meant. Thanks


Yes cats pass gas but not where you can hear it. Usually it's caused by milk, or the brand or type of food they are eating that is too  high in fiber and soy. There are medical reasons that cause cats to pass gas which could include Inflammatory Bowel Disease, an intestinal infection, food allergy, constipation, etc. Passing gas is not as common in cats as it is in dogs.

I have a 2 calicos right now and one is very small too. Not
all calicos have attitudes but a lot do. They can be stubborn and  snippy, especially with other cats, loveable one minute then growl the next (but not being mean). They want to be petted when they want to, they are good at ignoring you when they want to, they like to chase dogs, they like to look at you like you are a space case, and they are independant. Mine can sneer at you! If they don't like someone they can give them dirty looks! They are also one-person cats. They are VERY territorial. Mine don't let any stray cats (or dogs) come in the area. They are very smart too.

Here is an article about calicos: