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Siamese seal point

20 16:45:56

Followup To
Question -
Hi Becky:

Thanks for the quick response to my question.  FYI - the cat is approximately 9 months old.  Also, when I got him from the breeder, I saw his living space.  It was a very large sunny room with many cat "condos" in it; there were a couple of other "studs" in the room with him.  Do you think there's a chance that he is just extremely stressed?  Or do you feel it's going to be an up-hill battle and that he should have warmed up a bit by now.  Thanks fou your help!
Answer -
Hi Laurie,

Sounds like you have adopted a former breeder that was probably caged all the time and now is scared to death. That is so sad.  He may eventually come out but will probably always be scared and leery of you. If he is every young, then you have a better chance. If he is an older cat, then it's doubtful.  If you are wanting a family pet that can be held and loved, then I would take him back.  However, if you are willing to wait it out, and not expect too much from him, then I would keep him. Sad to say, but this cat probably won't get much better, and will probably end up back in a cage when or if you return him.  I'm not trying to put a guilt trip on you, just facing the facts. I try to get my pets from people who raise them in the house as pets,  no cages!  I know this is certainly not your fault, though, and if you take him back ,I really wouldn't blame you.
God Bless,

Hello again,

If he hasn't been caged,which is good to hear,  then he might eventually come around. It's hard to say.  If you are willing to be patient and see, then he may turn out to be a wonderful pet.   
I have a similar experience , but it is with a dog and I don't know if the same will happen to you.  I brought home a chinese crested female that had been caged all her life. She was three years old. She was so scared that she hid under my bed for THREE MONTHS.  The only way I could get her to go potty outside, was to take a stick and beat the floor on the other side of where she was to scare her out and then she would go outside.  We have a fenced in yard, so she couldnt run off.  When she came in,  she would go straght back under the bed.  I had just decided that she was a "rescue" and I would just give her a comfortable home and she would never be a real pet.   One evening, while we were watching TV,  all of the sudden she peeked her head in and came in the livng room with us.  I couldn't believe it. We were all afraid to say anything.  
NOW........she is a very well adjustd, loving dog and it's hard to believe that she was once this shy , scared , creature.   So.. it could happen!  You just need to be very patient and not expect it to happen right away.
I wish you the very best.