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What is wrong with my cat?


I think my cat needs to see a veterinary but I am not sure. My cat he is throwing up. And I just changed his cat box and hasn't used it but it has only been one day. And when it looks like he is about to sit down he doesn't he stands there like he is going to go the bathroom and doesn't. And woke up this morning and he had gone to the bathroom outside my door. But it was only a little bit. It looks like he is trying to go to the bathroom but he can't it seems to me. And it seems like he won't stay in one place for a while. And I haven't really seen him eat or drink a lot lately.


Your kitty is having a serious medical emergency - he needs to see a veterinarian immediately - his urinary tract is likely blocked and this can be fatal to him without immediate treatment. He is in excruciating pain if this is what's happening... If your kitty's urethra is blocked he will need to be hospitalized for at least a few days possibly upwards of a week or more depending on how his kidneys recover from having the urine in his bladder wash back up into the kidneys while he was blocked. Cats, just like people should be using the toilet multiple times each day. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
