Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > tale tale signs

tale tale signs


QUESTION: is it true that the cats eyes go green 24hr before labour

ANSWER: Not that I've ever heard or seen in my own cats...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: im still waiting do u think it will be soon she not going out at all he nipples are very big and got white marks on them.she attacked me this morning when i stroked her and she eating like a horse

Hello Sarah,

I honestly have no idea, I would have to get my hands on the cat itself to know.  I would not be letting her out of the house if she is close as she just may end up having the kittens outside.  

I know it's tough to be patient but the kittens will come when they are ready, if you just keep an eye on your cats behavior I am sure you will notice when she starts to behave differently.
