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Stray Cat/Might be or allready has been Pregnant


Well, a stray cat welcomed itself into my kitchen and started eating all of my other cat's food.  It was inhailing it as if it was starving.  I made my way up to the cat and she was very friendly. I picked her up and placed her in the guest room so she could get away from my dog Oreo (Who isn't so nice to new cats) and she slept like the whole time after eating two bowls of food.  When she was sleeping, I felt around her stomach and it felt tight and slightly big her nipples were pink and a little swollen. We put her out the next morning to let her get a little fresh air, and she walked around my backyard for a long time. Then when I got home from school, I saw her and my Mom told me that she has been eating alot and she finally got full and stopped. She's been sleeping almost all day. When we found her, she looked like skin and bones, and a big belly.  Now (It's been 3 days)  She dosn't look like she has a tight belly what so ever, and she has alot of milk behind her nipples. What I really want to know, is..Is she still pregnant? Or has she had the kittens and left them..Cause she dosn't seem like she wants to go anywhere..She wants to be around me constantly. She's fattend up alot from eating and she's very playfull when she's not sleeping. She allways wants to jump into some boxes and sleep in there, then she'll find another one to sleep in.

Please help T_T  


If she has had her kittens, you may need to follow her and see where she has hidden them.  On the other hand, yes, she still might be pregnant.  A veterinarian could tell you very quickly.  That would be the only way to be sure, short of her having kittens on the spot.

Best regards... Norm.