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Kitten-birthing problem


I have an outside cat, about a year old, who is finally starting to have her kittens. She began to have the first kitten at ten yesterday morning, but the kitten became stuck in the birth canal, half of its body was out...the kitten died, and mom-kitty proceeded to try to dislodge the kitten. At about six or seven that night, she finally got it out. She had a few more contractions, alot of panting. It's been more than 24 hours now, she's still panting...but we fear that she won't be having any more kittens because of a past injury to her lower body. Is there anything we can do to help her? She still-for sure-has kittens inside...


You must get this cat to a vet immediately!!!!!

At this point the biggest concern must be saving the queen.  It is doubtful the kittens are OK.  If the vet needs to do a C-Section you may as well have her spayed at the same time, so she does not have to go through this kind of grief again.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.