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young male attacking older female


QUESTION: We have an eleven-year-old calico who needed a friend. We got an 8-week-old kitten from a local shelter in May and introduced them slowly as we were told to do. They were doing fine with each other and for the most part still are. The problem is that Cole (our 5-month-old) has been almost constantly running at Lauren and attacking her. Lauren never fights back, just hisses and growls and runs if she can. Cole has a ton of energy that we try to expend as much as we can, but he still goes after her and we can't get him to stop. We're almost positive that he's playing with her, but he's very sneaky and incredibly fast: he can attack Lauren and be out of the room all in a split second. How can we get him to stop? Or is Lauren actually playing with him in her own way?

ANSWER: Hi Sandy Mae,

It sounds like Cole is ready to be fixed. He sounds like he is feeling some of the hormonal changes going on and he is taking them out on May. Once you get him neutered all should calm down again. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We had him neutered last month (as soon as we possibly could) as the shelter he was adopted from mandates. They're also both front declawed, could that have something to do with it?

Hi Sandy Mae,

Thanks for the further update. Yes he's playing with her. She's not used to such a young cat around. If her ears aren't back then she isn't too annoyed with him. She might get a little pissed at him but unless he goes and bites her, don't worry about it.

Being declawed shouldn't have any effect on them. It just protects them from hurting each other. You might try getting a laser pointer. This works great on distracting cats and tiring them out.

The one thing you have to look forward to is that as he gets older he will calm down a lot and not play as hard. Give him about another 2 months and things should be a lot better. If it continues and he starts to hurt her write back and I'll tell you what to do. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen