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cat health question


This evening I noticed my two year old male cat 's back end is completely wet and it stinks a little like urine.  It reminds me alot like when hamsters get wet tail (I think that is what it's called).  He crouched down and wouldn't move even when I touched him and when he finally moved ( after about 3 minutes) there was some clearish liquid.  Again, he stinks terribly.  He has never been sick before.  Do you have any idea what this may be?
Thanks a bunch!  - Brenda

It's possible he has a urinary tract infection.  You should take him to your vet so he can have a urinalysis run.  They will also be checking his pH, which if it is off can contribute to bladder stones or crystals, which could also cause problems.  Make sure to keep him cleaned as much as possible (a bath if he'll let you) so he doesn't get urine scald.  If you see that he squats to urinate, but cannot, you should get him seen immediately as his urethra may be blocked.
