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Kittens and training!


Hi! I was wondering if you could train cats to be 'lap cats'. My mom was disappointed with my cat China because she's not cuddly. I know that you can teach kittens to be lovable cuddly cat when they are are very young. But will that make them just come up to you and lay on your lap all day?

Hi Jackie,

Cats go through stages. When they are about 6 months to about a year or two they don't want to have anything to do with you. They will come for petting and may stay by you but they are not real cuddlers. They are still in a kitten type of stage. There are a few exceptions of course. You have to keep at them, petting and feeding them treats. When they get around two they start to settle down and share the love with you. And as they get older they really begin to love laps and sleeping next to you. Again, remember, some cats will just never come to you. Hopefully you have some that are real loves. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen