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Cat stomach problems


Hi, my cat is about 14 weeks old and has gone for a recent checkup at the vet. He was said to have a bit of stomach problems and had 2 injections. He recently started to use his catbox more often is is constantly complaining after every stool... What could be wrong?

THere are many things that could be wrong, but you are not providing many details. You didn't say what you are feeding your cat, how long she has been separated from the mother, what the injections were (vaccines?) and whether she is using the box more for urination or defecation. You should bring her to the vet and see if she is constipated or has another problem.

You should be feeding her a grain free canned food, for example Nature's Variety Instinct, Wellness Grain-Free etc. Kittens do not need a special food, they only need to eat more per pound of body weight than adults.