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Cat pooping outside liter box...


The long and short of this story is I decided I wanted to adopt a cat(s).  So, in the last 3 years, I have had 6 different cats.  In my home right now, I have only one, I just got him on 1/4/10.  Every cat I have had has been DRAMA!!  I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on caring for them, (vet bills for sick ones, neutering, spaying, even declawing, medication, x-rays, etc!!) and still can't seem to find a good cat for my family and I!  My luck has been horrible!  I've tried different ages, breeds, etc.  The only good thing I've been able to do right is rehome these cats.  Now my cat I just got meows all the time and poops outside the litter box.  It's quite annoying, but he is sooooo sweet so far to everyone in the family!!  My sis got him for me from her vet hospital she works at.  He was a "drop-off", maybe I know why now!  So, when he poops outside of the box (usually only once a day), I scoop it up, put it into his box and clean the area w/vinegar water.  He hasn't pooped in the same place twice.  I think my only saving grace is my house is mostly tile.  He is about 4 years old and his records show him to have the majority of his vaccinations.  I have the space to lock him in the laundry room w/food and water.  Do you suggest this?  I'm open to any suggestions, after all, this is my 6th cat - UGH!!  

Hi Val,

Usually eliminating outside the litter box like that means he has something wrong with him. He wants to go there but associates the box with whatever is giving him pain. I know you don't want to hear this but a visit to the vet is in order. Next get an enzymatic odor cleaner. Clean the areas he has been using with this stuff. It gets rid of all odors that he can smell but you can't. Next try this litter. You can get this at PetSmart or Petco.
Try a low sided litter box. He may have a touch of arthritis. Also try Feliway Comfort Zone. He may be a little stressed out at the new home. This will help him with that. But have your vet check him over. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen