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Cat deficating


I have a one year old female tortoise shell.  She is the only inside pet we have.  About 6 weeks ago, while in heat, she started defecating outside her litter box in a specific corner in my dinning room.  She went out of heat and it seemed to stop..... she went back into heat a week ago, and EVERY day she defecates in the dinningroom.  She is now visually out of heat, but she defecated today.  Before you ask, I have an appointment to have her spayed for next week.

In your opinion do you think this behavior is related to her being in heat, or a behavioral problem.... if the later, PLEASE HELP with advise.


Hi Sherry,

This does sound like it is related to her being heat. Make sure you clean the area thoroughly that she has used with a good enzymatic cleaner. I think once she is spayed all will be well. Good luck. Write back if it continues and i will be able to help.

Ciao, Karen