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Cats Suckling


I adopted a teenage cat a few months ago. He is now probably 8 or 9 months old and probably almost fully grown. My problem is that since I have had him, he has been an obsessive-compulsive suckler. He constantly wants to suckle on the tips of my fingers and cannot be distracted from this singular desire. At night, unless I lock him out of my room, he will literally hunt down the tips of my fingers. If I try hiding them under pillows and blankets, he will dig to find them. He also wants to do this during the day, when he is lounging on my lap--basically any time he wants to cuddle. Besides being very annoying and inconvenient, it is painful, as he bites me a lot in his initial effort to latch on to my finger. Is there any cure for this behavior??? I'm desperate!

Hi Paisley this is a terribly annoying habit some cats get. It is usually because they were separated from their mom too young and never had the opportunity to be gently and slowly weaned by their mom. They are looking for comfort when they suck. It is just like a child who's mom never helped to make him independent and ready for the big world out there ! There are several ideas you can try but most importantly you want to break this habit before he is any older and doesn't' want to break it !! When he starts sucking I would start by taking him by the scruff of his neck and pulling him off your fingers and give him a little gentle shake and say firmly "NO" If he comes back repeat and repeat. If after about 6 times he is not listening to you then I would find a time out area ie. the bathroom. Pull him off you by the scruff of the neck, say NO and put him in a time out cage or room for 5 minutes. This is usually enough for most cats and of course it is something you want to work on in the day.. not the middle of the night !! Another option is to put hand cream on so that you don't taste so delicious !! or a pair of gloves. But usually they will just move to another area of your body. The scruff trick is the best! When he stops then give him lots of appropriate affection such as patting and soft talk. As soon as he starts up again.. change your demeanor and make him know you mean business !
Once the habit is broken it seldom comes back. Teresa