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The crazy first heat


Well the reason is selfish...but I am afraid that she will become one of those fat lazy cats and I enjoy playing with her and the interaction between her and my other female cat.  Plus I really have no worries of her getting accidentally pregnant because she is purely a house cat.

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Hi I have a female bengal...unfortunatly I am unaware of what filial she is, but hopefully you can still answer my question.  She is in her first heat...and first she meowed for about a week. Then she quit for a week and started again and it has been going on for about two weeks!!!  I feel sorry for her because I find myself and spouse getting frustrated, but I understand that she can't do anything about it.  But I was wondering if you had any advice on how to calm or sooth her to maybe bring her out of heat or at least make it more tolerable for her and us

Sissy Lee,

The only way to safely keep female cats from going into heat is to spay them.  You can do short term hormone therapies, but too much of that can leave lasting damage to the long term health of the cat.

Is there a reason you are not spaying her?

Best regards... Norm.

Sissy Lee,

If you spay a cat and keep good track of her diet, she will not get fat and lazy.  I do not know lots about Bengals (never having owned one), except what I have read.  These are very active cats and the interaction should not decrease, but increase, once she is spayed.

One problem can always be, if she gets out on you (most likely, when in season as these cats are known to be extremely resourceful), she may become pregnant.

The main reason for keeping tight track on diet is to prevent obesity.  Even whole cats can become obese when indulged by their owners.  Feline obesity leads to many medical problems in cats, just like in people.

A whole female allowed to continue to come into season can easily develop a raft of feline "female" problems ranging from cystic ovaries to cervical cancer.

But, my final comment is, again, spaying her will make her a happier cat for you both.

Best regards... Norm.