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lazy eye in kitten?


Is it possible for cats to have a 'lazy eye' like humans?
My cat had 3 kittens 2 weeks ago. I have 2 orange and a gray one.

I think my gray one has a 'lazy eye'
It's his left eye, the eye doesn't move like the other one. It looks off to the side. Is this because he's still a baby getting used to seeing? The 2 orange ones don't do it like he does. I know sometimes you see pictures of kittens and their eyes look off in weird directions.

Here, I got a really good picture of him (by accident) and that is when I noticed it. His right eye is clearly looking into the camera, but his left one is pointing in the opposite direction.
If it is a lazy eye, will this be detrimental in any way as he is growing up??




At this point based on the photo it looks to me like this kitten's eyes are fine. You have to remember that kittens are born very immature so it may take some time before this baby can easily focus his eyes properly. If you are still seeing the issue with this baby's eyes after 2-3 weeks then you should have this little guy seen by a vet just to be sure that there's nothing more serious going on with him, but in my experience this type of issue in very young kittens that have recently opened their eyes isn't uncommon.

If you're interested I'd be happy to provide you with extensive information about the normal developmental stages you can expect to see in the kittens, how long they should remain with their mom and littermates (6-8 weeks of age is way too young to leave mom under normal circumstances and may increase the likelihood of the kittens developing behavioral issues later on in life), how soon mom can become pregnant again after giving birth (much sooner than most people would think) and how to provide the best possible nutrition for mom and her nursing babies. If you have any further cat related questions or concerns I'd be more than happy to help you out to the best of my ability so please don't hesitate to contact me again anytime.