Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Lip-Smacking=Normal?



My cat named Charcoal is kind of old, but not young. He always makes a lip-smacking noise when he is annoyed, is this normal?

Hi there,

Thanks for your question.

Lip smacking can be a sign of nausea. Does he vomit hairballs??? Does he lick other thinks that could be distasteful??? Lots of times drooling in cats can be signs of tasting something unplesant or nausea. If he has a history of chewing or eating things he shouldn't, it could be a foreign body he is trying to throw up. Any of these signs, if they don't resolve on their own in a day or so, I would have him examined to be on the safe side. An ingested foreign body that will not pass need medical attention ASAP.

Hope this helps,
