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hi Jessica,

I'm going on vacation for christmas for 2 and half weeks. I dont exactly know what's the best to do for my almost 6 months old mixed siamese cat. so my options are: first, leaving her here in my apt and my neighbor from downstairs comes check on her everyday, but she'll be here alone the whole time. or second, i can drop her to my friend's place who has a dog, and a 2-3 month old kitten. which would be better? thanks!

Hi Lavi,

Usually, it's best to leave cats in their familiar surroundings when you go out of town.  Although Siamese tend to get lonely, it might be the best idea for you to leave your kitty home alone and have your neighbor check on her daily, because it can be especially stressful for pets to meet other animals.  So unless you have experience that proves your kitten is very accepting of other animals right away, or that she becomes destructive when left alone for too long, I would suggest leaving her at home and having your neighbor check on her each day.

Enjoy your holiday!
