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Siamese constipation?


I just relocated from New Hampshire to Massachusetts and brought my two cats with me. Muffin, my mainecoon (female 3y.o.), seems to have adjusted well even though it's only been 3 days. But my Anubis, my siamese (male 4y.o.) still seems somewhat timid and very hesitant. Both are eating & drinking almost normally, but Anubis has yet to use the litterbox. I don't want him to get constipated - do you think it's just nerves? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Annmarie.  It probably is just nerves.  I find that Siamese are especially sensitive to change, and it's normal for them not to use the litter box for the first few days.  Mine usually hide and/or cry for the first week or so.

But if Anubis doesn't have a bowel movement today, I would suggest contacting a vet.  Generally, holding it much beyond 48 hours is going to lead to constipation.  At this point, he may need a laxative, or even an enema to get him to go.  However, don't use anything over-the-counter for humans unless directed to do so by a vet.  Some laxatives and enemas are highly toxic to cats.