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Hi, my name is Gaby and I'm asking do cats need a lot of space and can they resist the heat cause I'm going to get my kitty tomorrow

HI Gaby,

Cats can be happy in a 1 bedroom apartment if you give them cat trees to climb for exercise and play with them every day. Cats are tolerant of about the same range of temperatures humans are. If the temperature in your apartment is uncomfortable for you it is also uncomfortable for your cat. Cats are desert animals but they can't sweat, so make sure there is always fresh air and or a fan in the summer. Cats get heatstroke when they can't cool off - for example if there is no airflow in a small enclosed apartment or in a car. Never leave any animal in a car. Here is more information on heatstroke in cats and dogs:

Here are some plans for building your own cat tree:

Also since it sounds like this will be your first pet cat, I have some other links you should read as soon as possible!

Brining home your new cat, adopting a new cat:

Cat nutrition - how to feed your cat for lifelong health:

Enjoy your new companion!