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Weird cat-habit.


Whenever my cat (feline-mutt, I actually have no idea what breed she is) is feeling generous (whenever she's not in the mood to maul me) she lets me pet her, sits in my lap, and actually headbutts my forehead until I rub it against hers. Is the headbutting a sign of affection in cats? My youngest cat (Pure-bred blue-point himalayan) doesn't do it. He's more of a pampered lap-kitty. I'm wondering if they're just different, my cat is just odd, or if certain breeds show affection that way. I'm thinking it's sort of like how a cat rubs itself up against your legs whenever it's hungry or affectionate.


Head butting is a sign of affection and possession.  She is marking you with scent glands in her forehead.

Like people, different cats have different personalities, so enjoy their differences.  Your cat is not at all odd!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.