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My cat is acting weird


My cat started active very different today. She will not play and she is usually very playful sense shes about 6 months old. her fur also looks different kind of messy and it usually looks really clean. Also when I look at her face her eyes look different and she can barely keep her eyes open. She still purrs when I lay by her but she hasn't moved all day


Clearly your kitty is sick, she should see a vet ASAP. If you are unable to afford vet care please contact me again as I keep a list of organizations and charities that may be able to help you with the cost of veterinary care. I wouldn't recommend taking a wait and see approach, behavioral changes this drastic could mean that your kitty is seriously ill - the fact that she's a kitten could mean she's eaten something she shouldn't have that's either toxic or creating a blockage somewhere within her digestive tract, either of these conditions could prove fatal quite rapidly (it's also possible that she's just sick and hasn't eaten anything she shouldn't have, but only a vet can determine what's going on for sure).