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Thick stringy saliva


My cat drools thick saliva when eating an drinking what is wrong. she is also very thin. she is a stray i took her for a rabies shot and she got worst.


This is a hard one.  Cats drool for different reasons.  But if she's only drooling when she eats and drinks, than it could be that she is just producing extra saliva while she eats, and it's simply too much for her to handle, so the excess comes out as drool.  Or it could be something else going on.  How long has she been doing this?  Is this relatively new or has it been going on for awhile?  

Some cats will drool when they're content and happy, and they simply get so excited and happy about either what they're doing or what's being done to them (someone petting or brushing them), that they simply forget to swallow their saliva, and out it comes as drool. One of my mom's cats (who has since passed away) drooled whenever my mom or dad brushed her.  She loved being brushed so much, that she would get so excited, and simply forget to swallow her saliva, and she would drool all over everything--long, thick, stringy drool.  

My guess is that she is just enjoying her food and water so much and is producing too much saliva for her mouth to handle, and the excess is coming out her mouth as drool.  But if she's acting any different at other times, or is drooling at other times, then that would warrant a trip to the vet, as excessive drooling could be caused by poisoning, illness--anything really, but it wouldn't hurt to get her checked out if she's drooling more than just with food and water, or if her behavior is different than she has been.
