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Our New Cat-Monte!


Hello! I recently adopted a cat; he's around 3 or 4 years old. He was a street cat for long enough that his coat has become thin and patchy. It seems that exposure to the elements of wind, cold and rain is the reason. His underbelly, paws and face all have thick soft fur but the fur on his back and neck is thin, rough and coarse. Do you think that his fur will eventually come back thick? If so, how long would you anticipate?
I also wanted to see if you had any advice for introducing Monte to our other cat Luna. She seems to be very scared of him and hisses/warms him with various noises but does not make any aggressive action towards him. He is very relaxed and does not antagonize or even really respond to her. We're keeping them separated right now as Monte is still getting over a slight upper respiratory infection. He'll probably stay separated for a few more days just to be safe.

Hi Genevieve,

You should keep the cats separated for as long as Luna stays very upset, bringing Monte out only for short visits, so they can get used to each other at a slow pace. It's great that Monte is taking things in stride and that Luna isn't actively pursuing Monte to attack him. I think the introduction should go smoothly. But most adult cats take a few weeks to introduce properly. Once Monte is fully over his respiratory infection, start letting Luna spend a little time in his room while he roams the house. This way, they can sniff out each other's belongings and become a little more familiar without the threat of a confrontation.

Beginning right now, you can help them become familiar by scent by using a method called scent transference. Use a clean towel to rub Monte's cheeks, and then let Luna sniff it. Then do the same with Luna, and let Monte sniff it. Cats rely heavily on scent for identification, so they'll start to be familiar by the time they're spending much time face-to-face.

Also, you can feed them on either side of a closed door for now. The two will be able to hear each other and see each other's shadows. They'll be very aware of one another's presence but Luna won't feel so threatened because Monte won't be able to reach her. Giving them a special meal each day will help them build something positive to associate with each other. In a week or so, try feeding them at opposite ends of the same room, and each day, move the bowls closer together until they are eventually eating just a few feet apart.

As for Monte's fur, it's very likely that his fur will grow in with a nice luster now that he's settled into a home with a balanced diet and no fleas, etc. Cat fur grows pretty quickly, but it can take up to three months for a coat to grow in. However, some cats have problems with allergies, dry skin or over-grooming that cause their fur to be dull and patchy. If, after a few months, he still has the issue, I would recommend asking the vet about it. He might benefit from a high-protein diet for dry skin, a low allergen diet/cortisone shot for allergies, or you may need to think about treating anxiety - a reason cats over-groom.

Best of luck and congratulations on your new addition!
