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my cat is acting strange


QUESTION: My cat Storm has been acting strange for the past couple days, she has been sleeping a lot and she always wants me to pet her, and she is eating a lot. There is a male cat that roams around the neighborhood and I think this has something to do with him.

yes i think you are on the right track. Your female cat may just be feeling rather scared or unsure of the situation with this male cat making his presence known. It is not unusual for cats to seek out extra affection from their owners when this happens.

Also is your cat spayed or not? if not then her hormones can also make her go a bit extra soppy as i like to call it. Seeking extra affection is often a sign.

The sleeping could just mean that she is a little stressed or depressed by the other cats presence or it could just be that she has been under the weather for the last couple of days and felt the need to sleep it off.

As you can see it really is difficult to pin down the actual reason. But as long as you are sure that she is healthy ie still eating and using the litter tray etc, then I'm sure this will pass.

best wishes

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you think she may be pregnant, because her behavior includes pregnant symptoms.

well if she is not spayed and has been in contact with the male cat it is possible that she is pregnant, although these signs tend to be shown near the end of the pregnancy, but every cat is different. See my web page about cat pregnancy to see if there are any other similarities.
