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1 Week old kittens need help!

20 16:45:40


I work in an auto plant and as they were unloading a truck they found 3 baby kittens. We are assuming they are 1 week old. Their eyes are not open and their ears are down. We went to the pet store and got formula and feeding bottles. We have read about wiping them down to help them poop. I have a few question and maybe if I missing something you can let me know:

1. We read to feed them every 2 hours and we also read to feed them 6 times a day. What is the best feeding schedule.

2. It says to wipe them down right after feeding them. I wasn't sure if that was the only time they needs wiping and will they go right away. Or do we have to wipe them down every 1/2 hour.

3. Are we required to get up at night every 2 hours to feed them? I don't mind doing this but I wasn't sure if it was good for them.

4. We have them in a box with a blanket. They talked about an electric blanket but how do you know what is too hot.

Anything else you might have to offer would be great. We have 2 cats already but they were adopted as adults so we have not experience with kittens.



The babies will set their own feeding schedule, let them sleep and when they wake up crying, feed them. its just that simple. they might sleep for 8 hours or they might sleeep for an hour and then wake up crying. just let them set their own schedule.
You dont have to get up every 2 hours to feed them, just make sure you have them in the bedroom with you so you can hear them cry when they are hungry. Get a laundry basket, put a heating pad (not heating blanket)with a towel on it, (dont fold the towel, just a single layer of towel on top is good) place this in the laundry basket, , and set it on low or medium, which ever is warm to YOUR touch.not hot, just warm

Now the reason i say use a laundry basket and a towel is because the laundry basket is plastic and can hold spills,and you can move it to the living room during the day and back to the bedroom at night, and the towel can be washed. you will have to change the towel every few days.

Usually if you wipe them down after they eat they pee and poop right away. you may have to gently wipe the actual buthole, to stimulate a bowel movement.

If you have any other pets, resist the urge to let the other pets take care of them or sniff them or have any contact with them because if they have worms or an infection your pets could become sick, and vice versa

You will have to bottle feed them for about 6 weeks, about that time they will be running around your house and sampling dry cat food, buy some kitten chow for them at that time. If you dont want to buy the baby formula that you are useing here is a recipe for formula that vets recommend.
1 12oz can evaperated milk
1 tablespoon DARK corn syrup
1 egg yolk, (no whites)
shake well, and feed the baby, this has to be refrigerated, and takes about 4 seconds in the microwave to heat up. remember it is better feed room temp. formula then too hot or too cold.