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Siamese Cat biting


I GAVE THIS QUESTION TO kATEY kATTS AND RECEIVED NO ANSWER,I THOUGHT she  PAST IT ON TO SOMEONE WHO COULD HELP.I bought a two year old Siamese female that  is very loving and a joy to have around. In the morning as she runs all over the house she has the habit of biting me or my wife.the rest of the day she is calmed and dont seem to be as wild.I take blood thinner for congestive heart so Have to watch her name(coco). Some times she draws  blood.
I have had cats around our house for over 40 yrs.Most of them have been calico. Appreciate your feed back. Regards
Donnell Havens

Every Siamese or Siamese mix I've had has tended to bite.  Seems to be a common behavioral trait with them.  Good thing for them is they love their people, and they're very smart, so getting them to stop biting is usually easier than with other breeds.

When I had my first Siamese ten years ago, I didn't know what to do about his biting.  He was constantly drawing blood.  So I consulted a Veterinary Animal Behaviorist and a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist.  Both suggested I give the kitty a time out.  15 minutes in the bathroom alone.  It took him less than 2 weeks to stop biting.  Siamese are quick to learn which behavior is causing them to lose quality time with their humans.  I've used the same technique countless times since then, and though some cats are more stubborn than others, every cat has shown improvement.

One other thing worth mentioning is some cats get overstimulated when you touch certain parts, like their lower back or belly.  They become irritated and lash out.  So if you notice she bites when you touch certain areas, then avoiding those areas is best.