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My cat and birthing??


 I have a dwarf cat. She was the only one in her litter that stayed small. But now she is about a year and 7 months old AND pregnant. I'm scared that she may not be able to have the kittens because the father was a normal sized cat. She is my baby and Im just a worried mother... what do you think I should about this?  Thanks.

Cristina H.,

First of all, if she gets through all this OK, she needs to be spayed!!!!!

I would consult with your vet about options.  IF she has just become pregnant, she can be spayed immediately.  If the kittens are far along, your vet may counsel you to wait.

It is important that you know the date she was bred.  You can figure gestation is 65-67 days with 63 days being a normal minimum and 69 days being a normal maximum.  Based on this, you and your vet can, hopefully determine when she might be due.  Using X-rays, the vet can possibly determine if she may be able to pass the kittens.  If not, a C-section would be warranted.

Now, here is the unknown.  Why is she so small?  Is there some other underlying problem that kept her from developing normally?  These factors could complicate the whole process. This is why it is necessary to consult with your vet. If he thinks the kittens are far enough along, and she has dropped her milk, it may be a good idea to do a C-section before she has a chance to try birthing the kittens normally. If she does not have milk, then you may have to feed the kittens in her stead.

So, my advice is to get her and you to a vet and discuss the options and agree on a plan to see your kitty through all this as safely as possible.

Please keep me posted.

Best regards... Norm.