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is she a siamese mix?



Pinky Tuscadero (she w
This is just a question in the category of "just curious" and will not affect how
enamored I am of my new kitty at all! Last week we adopted a 7 - 8 month
old cat from a local rescue organization. They said she was a siamese mix.
Regardless of what she is, I love her to pieces, but it is interesting to know
about different cat colorations, etc. She is mostly white, with soft gray and
peach smudges here and there (on face, ears, some on body but not on feet)
and a very dark, striped tail. Her fur is softer than any cat I have ever
touched! She feels like a soft bunny. I have been reading about different
siamese colorations and such. Her tail actually looks as if it came off of a
different cat and got stuck onto her. I've attached a picture. Just for fun, what
do you think? She is so sweet, but very skittish so far, as she started out life
with a feral mom. We love her though - I know she will relax. She loves to be

Aaahhhh, certainly!  She looks to me like she could be a blue-cream lynx point mix.  And the dead give away, it appears from the picture that her eyes are blue.  I think you do have a girl with some Siamese, or another color-pointed cat, such as the Himalayan, in her lineage.