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stinky diarrhea


My kitten has yelow stinky diarrhea!We went to the vet and he gave us pills.but they didn't work.So I went on the internet and found out you can give kittens Imodium.But that didn't work either.Now she is going in the litter box,outside of the litter box,under my bed,and downstairs.I always have to clean the litter box right away because it smells so bad.How do I stop her from using the wrong places for bathroom stops and get rid of her diarrhea.

I would call your vet and let he/she know that its still going on and see if you should bring her in and possibly bring a stool sample so they can check it for worms and other parasites. For the part of using outside the little box might be because it still has the smell of the last bowel movement,(Litter boxs should be cleaned every two weeks with a little bit of bleach and water)so I would try and put litter boxs where she is using outside the box or you could just confine her to the bathroom with her food and water and the door shut but checked on every few hours.

Is she eating kitten food?!?
