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cats ear bleeding


QUESTION: my cat has a little cut on the outer aspect of her ear. each time a scab forms she picks at it and it bleeds and we are back to square one , we tried the lampshade but it hits off it when the scab forms. we tried plasters bandages but to no avail . thanks

ANSWER: Michael,

You did not say how long this has been going on and/or whether the cat was in distress?

Normally, it should be left alone, and it should heal on its own.  If it continues, something else may be going on, and a trip to the vet is warranted.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: cat is in no distress but it is going on about five weeks it appears to be getting smaller though


Then, since it is getting smaller, I would definitely leave it alone.  As wounds heal, they often itch, so the cat will scratch at it.  Also, the vein on the edge of the cats ear can bleed profusely, but is not really a problem.  Also, this type of wound does take a while to heal.

Best regards... Norm.