Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > my son is living with us again,he...

my son is living with us again,he...


my son is living with us again,he is 30 has a cat that
i love, worry about.
he is an outdoor by day indoor by nite cat.
he is constantly marking me?
he  comes in we talk he snacks he wants to leave.
Questions... the constant marking ?
Can Cats be repremanded?
He free feed in 2 rooms my sons bedrm, and mine is this
I changed water dishes 5x never drinks a drop.
Thanks for any info i love this 5 yr old cat so much !!

HI Sam!
What do you mean by marking?  Is he spraying?  If he isn't neutered, he needs to be and that will cut down on the spraying, if that is what he is doing, but since he has started he probably won't stop completely.  Cats can be reprimanded by a stern voice but spanking or any kind of hitting a cat will do no good whatsoever.  He has probably found a source of water outside somewhere.  
I don't see anything wrong with free feeding.

God Bless,