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Lump On My Cats Throat


I found a lump on my cats throat this morning and I hadn't notice it before but I haven't seen him in a couple days. But when I got home tonight I found that it seemed to have popped and there is now blood very slowly dripping from his neck. What is it and what do I do?!

Hi Tessa,

This is possibly an abscess, but it certainly is something that needs to be examined by the vet. An abscess is a pocket of infection under the skin, usually introduced by a bite wound or some other puncture. The surface wound heals up quickly, but bacteria is trapped under the skin. An infection develops, and pus collects, causing a lump. Eventually, the infection ruptures through the skin, oozing blood and pus. The infection needs to be squeezed out and drained, and the cat needs to be placed on antibiotics for this to clear up. If it's not treated, bacteria can enter the bloodstream causing a systemic infection. This condition, called septicemia, can be deadly.

There are other causes of lumps, including cysts and tumors, but these are usually very slow to develop and do not leak blood unless they are either infected (in the case of cysts) or reach advanced states (in the case of tumors).

So, as stated, get him in to the vet ASAP to have it properly diagnosed and treated.

Hope he feels better soon!
