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feral cat adoption


Hi Christina,
I have a young, less than a year, feral cat that my husband found living under our deck last fall.
She soon became a member of my family and I have found her very much liking a method of grooming that I do for her.  I dampen a warm wash cloth each morning and wipe her to and fro and then brush her.  She loves this!  My question, is this harmful to her in any way.  Am I wiping the oils from her skin or anything that might cause damage to her coat?

Bless you and the new addition to your home. You are a good person to take in your little one. I don't see any problem with what you are doing. A little water alone just wiped superficially - not a bathe - is OK and I doubt would strip the oils. But the truth is kitty is probably mostly enjoying the contact and not so much the water. Cats generally don't care for water and actually she may not even feel it through her fur. Try using a dry cloth once and see if she is just as happy. It may be just the petting and attention alone is all she needs. I would be careful on the fro if you mean against the grain of the hair because then you may be reaching the skin and could wipe some oils. But remember, kitties almost never need a bath - unless they have gotten into mud or something or need a flea dip, which would be only if they already have fleas. So any water is totally uneccessary. Try your same moves but dry. She may be just as happy. If not, keep doing it but keep the cloth as close to dry as you can and you'll be fine. Enjoy your little one!