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Sick Mr. Kitty

20 16:44:28

I am not sure if you can help me but its worth a shot. Mr. Kitty is almost 6 y/o, we have had him since he was just 8 wks old. 6 days ago we noticed he wouldn't eat anything, he just wanted to lay in the same spot all day. The next day he was still the same, no water, no food, no litter box. So we took him to the vet, had blood test ran, and she gave him fluids. Well the test come back, which is where I don't know if you can help me. Most of his stuff is normal, of course his WBC's are high. His Amylase is high (1748) and FIP came back as a carrier. Now as she said he could be infected with FIP and just not showing or really just a carrier. So basically we know only that it is not thyroidism and it might be possibly FIP. He had a nose bleed about 3-4 months ago, that he saw the same vet for, and between then and now he has developed a heart murmur. his temp is normal, and no lumps or anything can be found. No vomiting, no eating or drinking (except a small amount of water 2 of the days), no bathroom, no sneezing, no coughing. he just don't want to do anything, he will walk but not too far before he wants to lay down. We have 2 (indoor) cats and 2 dogs. One of the dogs started having green eye discharge about 3 weeks ago, that has now spread into both eyes and now the other dog as one eye doing it. Our vet says it shouldn't have anything to do with Mr.Kitty but seems odd. I hope you might have a suggestion, I am on limited funds right now, and almost 200 bucks later I am no closer to knowing. Thank You for your time

Hi Kamee,
I am so sorry for the delay. I couldn't get into the ALL Experts website, so I couldnt answer you!!  Again my apology.

Dogs cannot catch diseases from cats.   If you cat had an eye infection only, then yes it could be possible, but the FIP cannot be carried to a dog.  Your cat sounds too sick to only be a carrier.  Sad to say, but he may be suffering from FIP himself. I wish I had more answers for you.  

God Bless,