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Litterbox Behavior


I have two cats Cleopatra and Zeus. Cleopatra was given to me
from a friend while she was pregnant with Zeus. I've had Zeus
ever since he was a newborn kitten, and he is about five years
old now. Ever since I can remember, they both have a strange
"ritual" when they use the litterbox. Unfortunately, it's gotten
increasingly worse. Right now, I have a litterbox with a lid over
it. Before they go to the bathroom, they "scratch" (although they
are declawed) the floor around the litterbox, and the lid of the
litterbox. They do this for about ten minutes before they
eliminate, they then scratch around again for another 5 minutes
or so. I've tried different kinds of litters, covered or uncovered
litterboxes of all sizes...and I just don't know what to do. It
drives me absolutly crazy and wakes me up at all hours of the


Go to and purchase FeliWay for your cat and re-train your cat whenever you catch him/her using the bathroom wherever or on whatever spray him/her with a bottle filled with water, and then he/she should run after they run pick him up and put him in the litter box. Also do not allow him to have access to wherever or whatever he/she is using the bathroom on, if that doesn't work trying moving the litter box to where he/she uses the bathroom at, also make sure that you clean the litter box everyday cats are very clean animals and will refuse to use a soiled litter box, remember that if you can smell the litter box know that your cat can really smell it because they have a better sense of smell than humans. Also it could be the type of litter that you're using. Try switching to a different brand or type of litter (Ex. clumping litter, clay, wood shavings,cellulose, sand, or silica ) Cats also hate to be in an traffic area when doing their buisness try purchasing a hooded litter box or moving the litter box to a more secure location. If none of these work contact the vet ASAP as this could be a problem with a disease. I hope I've helped.